Category Archives: News

Automated Deadline-Based Scaling of Experiments in the Cloud with MiCADO   deRSE 2019 – first Conference for Research Software Engineers One of our developers, Jay DesLauriers, had given a talk at the deRSE 2019 in Potsdam, Germany. He demonstrates how to Read more…

The latest version of MiCADOscale was presented on the project meeting in Corfu, Greece, MiCADOscale is an autoscaling framework extension for Kubernetes deployments in the cloud, download the latest version of MiCADOscale at GitHub & learn more about it on Read more…

The EOSC-Hub Week 2019 took place in Prague on 10th – 12th April 2019. This research and innovation event is part of the European Open Science Cloud project and focused on creating a contact point for European researchers to discover and use a broad spectrum Read more…